<%= rcc("title") %> |
<%= rcc("content") %> |
set rss2=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sqlss2="select top 1 * from article where id>"&id&" and smallclassid="&rcc("smallclassid")&" order by id asc"
rss2.open sqlss2,conn,1,1
if not rss2.eof and not rss2.bof then
">上一个 :<%= rss2("title") %>
<% else %>
上一个 没有了
<% End If %> |
set rss3=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sqlss3="select top 1 * from article where id<"&id&" and smallclassid="&rcc("smallclassid")&" order by id desc"
rss3.open sqlss3,conn,1,1
if not rss3.eof and not rss3.bof then
">下一个 :<%= rss3("title") %>
<% else %>
<% End If %>